Tommy Thomas dipilih sbg AG...
...dia bukan Islam
...dia pernah terpalit isu kontroversi berkenaan bantahan Malaysia bukan negara Islam
..dia mempertikaikan keputusan kerajaan mengharamkan penggunaan nama Allah di gereja
Namun, dia tetap terpilih sebagai AG baru...bab macam ni susah sikit nak komen...mungkin Tun M ada perancangan dia sendiri...Tommy pernah menentang dia dulu..
sama macam kes DSAI...LGE...Mat Sabu..
namun mereka kini bersatu..bergabung...MELETOP!!!
sedikit kontroversi dari Tommy Thomas...
He had also launched on July 29, 2016 two books named Abuse of Power and Anything but the Law, which were collections of his essays throughout 34 years on law and the Federal Constitution; and politics and economics.
He has written on complex and diverse topics, including why he thought the Court of Appeal's 2013 ruling in upholding a government ban on the use of the word “Allah” in the Catholic Church's internal publication Herald was constitutionally wrong.
In a lengthy 2005 paper, he had also examined the question of whether Malaysia is an Islamic state and concluded that Dr Mahathir's September 29, 2001 declaration that the country is an Islamic state was not based on the Federal Constitution and the law.